
Tomorrow, Irena and I leave for our annual pilgrimage (seventh in a row) to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada for Burning Man. While the playa greets us each year with beautiful, familiar dusty hugs (Burners call it “coming home”), it’s a bastion of new adventure. I’ll be back with double posts the first week of September.

Before I go …

Fun fact that the first Google Doodle was created in 1998 when the company’s founders went to Burning Man. What a great “out of office” message.

I’m not a doodler … but to mark the next two weeks of intermission while I’m on the playa, here’s a collage of some favorite moments of the last six burns.


Nancy Silverstone

I can’t believe it is 7 in a row . . . gorgeous images.

Karen Lejeal

I was thinking of you last week as I knew it was Burning Man. I look forward to reading about it! XX Karen

I love these photos and am really enjoying reading Jayme.